2024 Winner

Herb MacDonald for his witty and inventive submission of The Great White Man-Eating Shark.

2023 Winner

Alba Gil Celdran for her mesmerising submission of Seventeen Kings and Forty-Two Elephants.

2022 Winner

Jessica Twohill for her humorous and thoughtful submission of The Witch in the Cherry Tree, which was published in August 2023.

2021 Winner

Minrui Yang for her curiosity-filled submission of There's a King in the Cupboard, which was published in 2022.

2020 Winner

Lily Emo for her breathtaking submission of The Boy Who Made Things Up, which was published in 2021.

2019 Winner

Sarah Greig for her fun-filled submission of The Boy With Two Shadows, which was published in late 2020.


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